The Counselors by Jessica Goodman

Genre: Mystery

Goldie loves Camp Alpine Lake more than almost anything, and after the terrible year she’s had she’s desperate to go back one more time to be a counselor with her best friends, Ava and Imogen. They have been going to this camp since they were little and now proudly serve as lifeguards. Camp Alpine Lake is a favorite among the wealthy and powerful people to send their kids to and therefore the local townspeople are not always fans of the campers because they feel they are entitled and bratty. Goldie grew up in that small town, but since her parents work at the camp she has always been allowed to go for free. Ava and Imogen became very important to her from a very early age, which is why it has been so hard to keep her terrible secret from them, but she’s afraid they’ll look at her the same way everyone in her town does if they knew the truth. Shortly after they arrive, however, a local boy turns up dead on camp grounds and Goldie instinctively knows it could not have been an accident. As she’s putting the pieces together it becomes obvious that her two best friends are also keeping secrets from her. Is it possible one of them could have hurt this local boy to keep their secrets safe? Can she find her way back to trusting her friends with the shambles that has become her life? Will she ever get over what happened to her or will it plague her forever?

This mystery story does a nice job of getting the reader to know and therefore care about the main characters. Once it is revealed what happened to Goldie it is heartbreaking to see how the repercussions of that terrible night have completely unraveled her life. The vivid camp descriptions will make anyone long to go back to camp, even those that never attended in the first place. The traditions and activities seem so American and wholesome, but underneath there are many secrets that cannot stay hidden forever. The ending is satisfying and not too predictable which will please mystery fans. Recommended for those looking for a fun book to escape into.

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