Posts Tagged 'betrayal'

These Deadly Prophecies by Andrea Tang

Genre: Fantasy

Disappointing her parents, Asian American Tabatha has chosen to study fortune telling with a renowned sorcerer as her mentor, Julian. As part of that training she has learned how to decipher the truth from lies, which is why she is stunned when Julian states that he has seen a fortune and it includes his own murder. She can tell he is not lying about the fortune he saw, but she cannot imagine it to be true. He makes her promise to find his son, Callum, if he is murdered but doesn’t tell her why. As the days go by, she is starting to hope the prophecy was flawed, but one day she is informed as she arrives for work that Julian was in fact dismembered late the night before in his workshop. Unfortunately, the cameras were all disabled so the police do not have a lot of clues, but they believe magic could have been involved. Tabatha keeps her promise and finds Callum and the two of them decide to try to find the killer, despite the many warnings they receive to stay out of it. To make things even more complicated, the will is lost so the ex-wife comes up with the crazy plan to hold a seance and ask Julian himself who he would like to carry on his magical legacy. Will Callum and Tabatha find themselves in danger if they get too close to the killer? Out of all his family, who will Julian entrust his legacy to? Will Julian’s magical family fall apart without their patriarch? Is Tabatha destined for law school like he parents wanted now that her mentor is dead?

This fantasy is fun because it is different than a lot of fantasies. You have people with magical abilities, but they do not use it for everything and it takes a great deal of training. Also, you have people hungry for the power that comes with powerful spells and magical knowledge. Finally, there is a mystery element that keeps the plot twisting and turning all throughout the book. The characters are decently fleshed out so that when the ending is revealed you can see everyone for who they truly are (and what their motivations are), which isn’t necessarily how they were first presented. Recommended for fantasy lovers.

The Girls From Hush Cabin by Marie Hoy-Kenny

Genre: Mystery

Calista, Holly, Zoe, and Denise were best friends at the summer camp they went to every summer and they loved their camp counselor, Violet. A tragedy strikes the camp and forces it to close and a few years go by as they finish up high school and slowly drift apart from each other. Then, one of them learns that Violet has died tragically and they all come together again to go to the funeral. At the funeral they are stunned to learn Violet died by drowning because she was a very strong swimmer. Even more shocking is that her appearance has completely changed and they almost don’t recognize her. They start to become concerned that this might not have been an accident. Despite the fact they all have things they need to get back to, they decide to stick around and find ways to investigate what happened on their own. They are forced to face the reality that Violet was not perfect and in many ways manipulated the girls in their youth. Can they get to the bottom of what happened to Violet? Can they reconcile the past and become good friends again?

This mystery has an interesting premise and four strong main characters. The details of the past are slowly revealed until it becomes clear what led to the close of the camp they all loved so much. They all have things they are dealing with at home as well. The final reveal won’t be satisfying to some mystery readers, but it does explain everything and gives hope to the four characters that they’ll be able to move on from this. Recommended for fans who enjoy mysteries.

Hollow Fires by Samira Ahmed

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Safiya is a high school student working on the school newspaper who hopes to study journalism in college. She is of Indian American descent, which becomes an issue when hate crimes begin occurring around her school and in her community. First, a boy at a nearby school is arrested for wearing a backpack that a teacher thought was a bomb and in fact ended up being part of his Halloween costume that was comprised of old plastic bottles. After he was cleared and released he was bullied relentlessly until one day he went missing. The police didn’t seem too concerned as they believed he might have fun away, but Safiya has a strong feeling that is not the case and eventually finds his body. Meanwhile, her school newspaper got hacked and her school vandalized by unknown people who seem to believe that all immigrants should be expelled from the country or worse. As Safiya and her friends try to convince the authorities to take these threats seriously, she can’t help but feel like she might be the next target for whoever is committing these crimes. Can she get to the bottom of this without endangering herself? Will the authorities every take her seriously?

Safiya’s story is well written and highly engaging. Safiya desperately wants to find justice for Jawad, the murdered boy, but it’s difficult when no one will see the issues right in front of them. It was interesting how it was depicted that some of her wealthier friends assumed the police would want to know everything they had learned and were super disheartened when that ended up not being the case. The daily struggles of immigrants trying to start over in this country was described in a way that you couldn’t help but feel their constant struggle and fear that people would go out of their way to make their lives harder, or worse, actually hurt them. There’s a lot to discuss with this story from the mystery of who killed Jawad to the social pressures facing immigrants on a daily basis.

The Davenports by Krystal Marquis

                  Genre: Historical Fiction/Romance

The Davenports are one of the few prominent, wealthy Black families in 1910 Chicago. They have a son, John, who is ready to not only take over the carriage business, but hopefully bring it into the modern era. He has also fallen for the maid, Amy Rose, who is mixed race and therefore poses more than one obstacle for them to ever be together. The Davenports also have two daughters, Olivia and Helen, who are both supposed to be trying to find suitable husbands. Olivia has always taken her role seriously and knows how proper ladies should act and run a household. Helen, on the other hand, is much more interested in working on cars in the family garage and would love to be a part of the family business even though that is considered highly inappropriate for a woman at this time. Is there any way she can convince her father to let her help with the business? When Olivia meets a human rights lawyer her entire view on life changes, but can she really give up everything she has ever known to pursue a very dangerous life of potential violence and protests? Ruby, Olivia’s friend, has always dreamed of marrying John and becoming family with the Davenports, but when she meets a new man she cannot help feel he might be a better match for her. Can she go against her parents wishes to marry for love?

The first installment about the Davenport family introduces several great characters as well as historical background that helps the reader truly see the obstacles facing people of color at this time in the nation’s past. The action in the story is also really exciting and keeps the reader guessing as to what might happen to these characters as they balance what is expected of them with what they actually want to do with their lives. The setting is really engaging and there is still a lot of story left to tell with not only the main characters, but several of the minor ones as well. Fans will be very excited for the second installment to find out what happens next with these dynamic characters. Recommended for fans of The American Royals series.

Secrets Never Die by Vincent Ralph

                  Genre: Suspenseful Thriller

Sam Hall was a child tv star until tragedy struck and he stepped away. Rumors have plagued him ever since as no one really knows the truth about what happened to his family and why he wanted to quit acting. Sam and his friends have a yearly tradition where they go into an abandoned hut in the woods on Halloween and reveal their innermost secrets. They believe it is cathartic and will help them heal, but this year their session was interrupted by screaming and someone throwing eggs at the hut that are filled with blood. They are all justifiably scared by this, but they convince themselves it was a Halloween prank and try to move on. Soon, however, they all start receiving creepy messages from someone named Sasha and it is quickly revealed that this “Sasha” has something to do with one of their secrets. It becomes clear that someone knows the secrets they revealed in the dark that night and they are coming to life to haunt them. None of them want to seek help because then they would have to reveal their innermost secrets, but as the threats become more serious they wonder if they have any choice and what lengths the person behind this will truly go to in order to get what they want. Would this person actually harm them? Is there any way to confront their attacker without having to let the entire world know their darkest secrets?

This story was surprisingly creepy and suspenseful. The threats are intricate and keep getting spookier and spookier. Eventually, they do bring in their families, but their reaction to the threats is very unexpected and helps build up to the climax of the story. Most readers will find the ending satisfying, but it is still a little crazy who is behind it and how far they were willing to go to terrify these teenagers. The story does send a positive message about how bad things happen to everyone and it’s important to try to heal, move forward, and look at any positivity that may have come from the bad things. Many teens often feel like everyone else has it all together and they are the ones struggling when in reality everyone has stuff they are dealing with. Recommended for fans of more suspenseful mysteries. 

Thieves’ Gambit by Kayvion Lewis

Genre: Mystery/Adventure

Ross Quest, a seventeen-year-old girl raised by a single mother in a famous thieving family, is desperate to break out on her own and experience a little normalcy. However, her plans fall apart when her mother is kidnapped and held for ransom and she is forced to dive deeper into the thieving world by entering the Thieves’ Gambit. The Thieves’ Gambit is an elaborate three part competition designed to pit the world’s best thieves against each other. The winner earns one wish, any wish, that is guaranteed to be granted. The winner is also required to work for the organization running the gambit for an entire year with no questions asked. Ross did not have any interest in doing this, but after exploring all options realizes she must in order to truly save her mother’s life. Can she compete among very determined and talented young thieves such as herself? Can she save her mother without condemning herself to another year or intense thief work? Is it possible she might find some common ground with the other teens in the competition?

Fans of heist shows and books will be immediately drawn to this title. It’s exciting, fast paced, and has many twists and turns as Ross tries to outmaneuver her opponents no matter what obstacles are placed in her way. The other characters are well described and it’s easy to see where they are all coming from, but that doesn’t change the crazy lengths they will all go to in order to win the competition. Ross has been warned her entire life not to trust anyone and the few times she has it has ended in disaster. She does not plan to make that mistake again, but some of the contestants help her see that trust isn’t always a bad thing…or is it? Highly recommended for anyone looking for a fun, fast paced escape. 

The Counselors by Jessica Goodman

Genre: Mystery

Goldie loves Camp Alpine Lake more than almost anything, and after the terrible year she’s had she’s desperate to go back one more time to be a counselor with her best friends, Ava and Imogen. They have been going to this camp since they were little and now proudly serve as lifeguards. Camp Alpine Lake is a favorite among the wealthy and powerful people to send their kids to and therefore the local townspeople are not always fans of the campers because they feel they are entitled and bratty. Goldie grew up in that small town, but since her parents work at the camp she has always been allowed to go for free. Ava and Imogen became very important to her from a very early age, which is why it has been so hard to keep her terrible secret from them, but she’s afraid they’ll look at her the same way everyone in her town does if they knew the truth. Shortly after they arrive, however, a local boy turns up dead on camp grounds and Goldie instinctively knows it could not have been an accident. As she’s putting the pieces together it becomes obvious that her two best friends are also keeping secrets from her. Is it possible one of them could have hurt this local boy to keep their secrets safe? Can she find her way back to trusting her friends with the shambles that has become her life? Will she ever get over what happened to her or will it plague her forever?

This mystery story does a nice job of getting the reader to know and therefore care about the main characters. Once it is revealed what happened to Goldie it is heartbreaking to see how the repercussions of that terrible night have completely unraveled her life. The vivid camp descriptions will make anyone long to go back to camp, even those that never attended in the first place. The traditions and activities seem so American and wholesome, but underneath there are many secrets that cannot stay hidden forever. The ending is satisfying and not too predictable which will please mystery fans. Recommended for those looking for a fun book to escape into.

Manslaughter Park by Tirzah Price

Genre: Historical Fiction/Mystery

In this mystery retelling of Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park, Fanny Price is an aspiring artist who was sent 8 years ago to live with wealthy relatives because her family had too many children to take care of. She has been reasonably happy all these years despite being treated poorly by most of the people she is staying with. The one person she always got along with was Edmund, a nephew form the other side of the family who was sent to Mansfield Park when he became orphaned. Edmund was sent away to school, but has recently returned and Fanny has found she is attracted to Edmund, but has no idea if the feelings are reciprocated. Meanwhile, the aunt and uncle she lives with run an art house where her uncle works tirelessly, but still manages to be kind to her. Therefore, it is shocking when Fanny witnesses him trip and fall down the stairs of their warehouse where, unfortunately, his injuries ultimately kill him. She can’t get it out of her head that he did in fact trip before he fell, though, which leads her to wonder if it was in fact premeditated or an accident? Who would want to kill her uncle and what does it mean for her now that he is gone? Will she be sent back to her family or allowed to stay and keep working on her art?

Fans of the original story will enjoy this title as there are some similarities, but many differences as well. The resolution to the mystery will shock many, but ultimately readers will be satisfied with the ending. As always, Tirzah Price’s characters really help the reader become engaged in a story that is familiar to many but in a new way. The motivations and actions of the characters are written in a way that the reader cannot help but want to know more about what will happen to everyone.

The Agathas by Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson

Genre: Mystery

Alice went missing for several days over the summer and it became a big scandal until it was revealed that she had just ran away. Now, as Alice tries to reenter her high school life as the new social outcast, her ex-boyfriend is suddenly accused of having something to do with his new girlfriend Brooke’s disappearance. Brooke is also Alice’s ex-best friend and as much as she is angry at her for taking her boyfriend she can’t help but notice how unfazed everyone (the police, her stepdad, the boyfriend) seems to feel about the fact that she’s missing. So, she calls Brooke’s grandmother who immediately enlists help and establishes a reward for any information that leads to Brooke’s whereabouts. Iris, who has been assigned as Alice’s tutor, could really use that reward money, so her and Alice decide to start investigating in order to find out where Brooke is. Will anyone take two teenage girl detectives seriously? Can they find out the truth about what happened to Brook before it’s too late? Will anyone ever take Alice seriously again after her disappearing act the summer before?

This fun story follows two teenage girls trying to solve a murder for a variety of reasons and will definitely remind readers of famous teenage girl detectives Nancy Drew and Veronica Mars. Alice is a complex character with many things those around her do not know and therefore even though it appears she has everything she actually feels quite alone and abandoned. Meanwhile, Iris feels completely invisible in this school and just wants to earn a little extra money to help her mom make ends meet, even if it means tutoring someone who claims to not know her despite the fact they have gone to school together since kindergarten. As the two begin to really work together and get to know each other they learn quickly that high school perceptions are not always accurate and can lead to snap judgments. Recommended for readers looking for a fun mystery.

The Only Girl In Town by Ally Condie

Genre: Realistic Fiction

When July waked up to find she is the only remaining person left in her town she immediately begins to look for people anywhere she can think of including her school, her friend’s houses, and even local businesses. When she fails to find another living person she tries to get in her car and flee the town only to be stopped by an invisible barrier. As she starts to get used to being the only girl in town she notices objects left around the town that each represent a person she deeply misses including her best friend and her parents. She gets the idea that maybe she is supposed to solve a puzzle with the objects in order to bring everyone back, but the harder she tries to connect the objects the more she is reminded of several painful memories that have happened over the last year. Can July face her difficult past in order to move forward? What is going on in this town and where did everyone disappear to?

This story uses past memories to help the reader feel why July is struggling so much in addition to the fact she is now totally alone in her town. The objects she finds help her to start facing all the things she misses about those around her so that she can better focus on a plan to bring all of those people back into her life. The relationships around her start to become very clear with each memory she revisits and it’s easy to want to know what happened that made her feel like she had to change all of her priorities in life. Recommended for those who enjoy realistic fiction with surprise endings.

Red Palace by June Hur

Genre: Mystery/Historical Fiction

Hyeon is an 18 year old palace nurse in the year 1758 in the Korean country Joseon. Her mother is the mistress of a powerful man in the community and as such she has been treated horribly her entire life until she became a nurse. The woman who took her in and trained her has been a role model and mentor to her and she knows she would be in a much worse place if it weren’t for her. When four palace nurses are massacred and her mentor is suspected of being the killer she knows she must step in to prove her innocence. She ends up working with the new police inspector to try and solve the mystery despite the fact that several people, including her estranged father, warn her to keep out of it and know her place. Can she find out who is causing mischief in the kingdom before it is too late for her mentor and maybe even herself? Will she find an unexpected romance with the new police inspector despite their difference in social status?

This engaging story discusses many topics such as class, race, mental abuse, physical abuse, suicide, and parental neglect. However, the story does so in a way that is historically accurate and respectful. The mystery itself is very exciting and interesting, but the setting really throws it over the top because the main character is restrained by her gender and status at every turn. She has to fight hard for the little respect she has in the community. Recommended for mystery fans who want something different.

All That Glows by Ryan Graudin

Genre: Fantasy

Emrys is one of the faery bodyguards for the British royal family. The royal family is considered sacred and protected and therefore each member has a protective faery bodyguard, but of course they do not know that and cannot see them unless the faery chooses to show him or herself to that person. Emrys has been doing this for a long time and is therefore surprised when she begins to form a connection to Prince Richard. She also starts noticing that there seem to be more attacks on the royal family than normal and several of them seem extra strong. Faerys lose strength in cities and must take breaks in the countryside to build their strength back up, but as Emrys becomes more concerned about Richard the more she fears what will happen if she leaves his side, even if other faerys step in to help. Then, when tragedy strikes, she knows that someone is organizing forces against the royal family and most likely there is someone that has betrayed them. Who can she trust and what must she do to protect the royal family? Can Richard ever know who she really is?

Fans looking for fun fantasy stories will enjoy this title because there is a lot to the plot and the characters are really engaging. The setting is very unique as several different types of fantasy creatures make an appearance in modern day London. Fans of fantasy romances such as Twilight will enjoy this title.

The Survivors by Jane Harper

Genre: Mystery

When Kieran returns to his hometown with his baby and wife, he fears the memories of his past will be waiting to haunt him. He grew up in a small sea town where most people made their living off the water and therefore could have their ups and downs. Something traumatic happened that forced Kieran to leave and he is only now returning to help his parents with a new transition. Shortly after he arrives, a body turns up on the beach and immediately questions start flying around about who could have done this and wondering if it’s connected to the disappearance of a teenage girl years ago. Suddenly, Kieran knows the entire town is thinking of that terrible night where he made a bad decision and people’s lives were forever torn apart. Can he get to the truth of what really happened all those years ago? Does it connect to the terrible murder of this college student today?

Fans looking for an engaging mystery story will enjoy this title. Slowly, the events of the past start to emerge and you learn why Kieran has avoided this place for so long. The supporting characters all play a part in both the past and the present which helps to build the suspense before the murder is solved. This book really shows the many emotions that go along with trauma and how those feelings can build if not resolved in a timely manner. Kieran and those around him who were affected by the past events are still carrying around a lot of feelings and stress and this new murder pushes them all to face the past they can’t come to peace with. Recommended for fans of The Woman in the Window and the Woman in Cabin 10.

The Island by Natasha Preston

Genre: Thriller Mystery

When Paisley, an influencer, is invited to preview a private island resort created by a billionaire who wants to create the ultimate getaway she is thrilled and honored. Her father is initially against her going with a handful of other influencers she does not know to an island where it might be difficult to reach her, but her mother convinces him to let her go. At first, this island seems too good to be true with a beautiful hotel, high end restaurants, and a full amusement park. Each influencer is assigned a lush private suite in order to truly impress them. There are some rules in place, but they are encouraged to take photos and videos in order to create buzz for this new destination. Paisley agrees to meet another influencer after hours so that they can see the amusement park on their own, but her partner never shows. She is annoyed, but figures he fell asleep. The next morning he does not show for breakfast and his room hasn’t been slept in. They are on an island so Paisley is immediately concerned, but it takes awhile before others start to notice his prolonged absence. Besides the influencers, the only other people on the island are the owner and a handful of workers. As more people start noticing strange things and getting separated from each other it becomes clear that something is not right. Could someone really be trying to keep them all from leaving the island? Who would want to hurt people they have never met prior to this island? Who can Paisley trust to keep her safe? Will she and her new friends make it safely off this island?

This exciting mystery thriller is everything you would expect in a story of this kind. The characters are all introduced and somewhat developed before things start to go wrong. There are several red herrings that make it more challenging to work out who is behind all the bad things going wrong on this island. The plot twists and turns until the very end, which will keep all readers, but especially reluctant readers, interested until the final reveal. The final page will definitely leave readers wanting more! The setting is truly unique and described in a way that makes it very easy to imagine. Recommended for horror and mystery fans!

I Will Find You by Harlan Coben

Burroughs was convicted five years ago of murdering his 3 year old son. He knows he did not kill his son, but feels he failed him as a father for letting anything happen to him and has therefore never put up much of a defense. He has even refused to see visitors in the entire time he’s been in prison so he is very surprised when his sister-in-law, whom he used to be very close to, suddenly shows up. She shows him a photograph she happened upon that clearly shows a boy in the background who looks just like his son, albeit older now. Things immediately change as Burroughs knows that if it ever gets out his son could be alive that could potentially put him in danger so he decides to break out of prison in order to find and protect him like he didn’t do last time. Can he manage to break out of prison? Even if he does get out is there any way he can remain free long enough to find out if his son truly is alive? If his son is alive then who did they find wearing his son’s pajamas that fateful night?

This is a very fast paced mystery story that takes off from page 1. Burroughs has been punishing himself for five years as he struggled in prison all the while knowing that most people believed he was capable of murdering his own son. There are a fair amount of things that definitely work in his favor, but that doesn’t diminish the engaging fugitive story. The other characters are compassionate and well developed, even if they are a bit too good to be true at times. The ending, which is so important in mystery books, is plausible and satisfying. Fans of Coben and mystery fans will enjoy this title for what it is, an interesting and quick mystery story for those looking to escape. Recommended especially for reluctant readers.
