Posts Tagged 'Romance'

The Davenports by Krystal Marquis

                  Genre: Historical Fiction/Romance

The Davenports are one of the few prominent, wealthy Black families in 1910 Chicago. They have a son, John, who is ready to not only take over the carriage business, but hopefully bring it into the modern era. He has also fallen for the maid, Amy Rose, who is mixed race and therefore poses more than one obstacle for them to ever be together. The Davenports also have two daughters, Olivia and Helen, who are both supposed to be trying to find suitable husbands. Olivia has always taken her role seriously and knows how proper ladies should act and run a household. Helen, on the other hand, is much more interested in working on cars in the family garage and would love to be a part of the family business even though that is considered highly inappropriate for a woman at this time. Is there any way she can convince her father to let her help with the business? When Olivia meets a human rights lawyer her entire view on life changes, but can she really give up everything she has ever known to pursue a very dangerous life of potential violence and protests? Ruby, Olivia’s friend, has always dreamed of marrying John and becoming family with the Davenports, but when she meets a new man she cannot help feel he might be a better match for her. Can she go against her parents wishes to marry for love?

The first installment about the Davenport family introduces several great characters as well as historical background that helps the reader truly see the obstacles facing people of color at this time in the nation’s past. The action in the story is also really exciting and keeps the reader guessing as to what might happen to these characters as they balance what is expected of them with what they actually want to do with their lives. The setting is really engaging and there is still a lot of story left to tell with not only the main characters, but several of the minor ones as well. Fans will be very excited for the second installment to find out what happens next with these dynamic characters. Recommended for fans of The American Royals series.

Reign by Katharine McGee

Genre: Romance

In this fourth and final chapter of the American Royals series, Jeff and Daphne are getting married because Daphne told Jeff she’s pregnant (which is a lie). Beatrice is still in a coma from the accident she suffered in the last book and Sam doesn’t know right away about her sister’s accident because she had run off with her boyfriend to live a quiet life on the beach. Once she learns that her sister has not woken up yet she rushes to her side only to find that in her absence Jeff has been named the acting King and she has been completely left out in the cold. She must prove herself to be accepted back into the family business, but is that something she really wants? Meanwhile, Jeff is suddenly forced into the principal position of power and he begins to wonder if anyone really knows who he is at all or if they just see him as the royal heir? Nina is doing great in college and trying to shed her feelings for Jeff after learning of his engagement, but try as she might she cannot avoid romance for long. How will this riveting series end for these characters?

This final chapter of the alternate America Katharine McGee has created is everything readers will want it to be. There is action, romance, drama, surprises, and so much more. Plus, while the book does offer hope for all of the characters it comes with realistic expectations and outcomes. Fans who have followed this series will be very pleased with how this book remains faithful to the characters while also moving the story along.

Stars and Smoke by Marie Lu

Genre: Action Mystery

Winter Young is the biggest pop star in the world, but he is still reeling from the untimely death of his older brother. Despite his enormous popularity he can’t help but wonder if his life is fairly pointless, unlike his brother who was in the peace corp. So, when he is approached by a secret agency to help take down a powerful trafficker he thinks this might be his chance to do something important. He does not have much time to train, however, so he is paired with Sydney Cosette, a long time secret agent despite her young age. The two get prepared as best they can, but then they must go undercover knowing that things could get very dangerous if their true motivations are revealed. As Winter gets to know the daughter of the criminal they are trying to take down, he quickly realizes that every situation has many people involved and is difficult to navigate at times so that the wrong people don’t get hurt. Can he and Sydney fulfill the goals they set out to do with this mission? Will they become more than friends along the way?

This story is fun and exciting with many suspenseful action scenes. Technically, there is a little bit of romance, but I would not let that deter any boys who enjoy action from picking this one up. It very much reads like a spy novel and the characters are engaging from the start with several revelations coming out about both of their backgrounds. There are many surprises in regards to what they think they know about this mission and the ending is very exciting and dramatic. Definitely recommended for anyone who enjoys a good action spy adventure.

The Locker Exchange by Ann Rae

Genre: Mystery/Romance

Brynn was leaving school late one night when she heard a cry for help and even though it was dark and eerie, she went to see what was going on. She was stunned to find a classmate’s body on the football field and in the distance she could see a hooded figure running away. Despite her witnessing someone fleeing the scene, police are convinced it was a tragic accident. She knows she must uncover the truth about what happened to this innocent girl. Meanwhile, her assigned p.e. locker opens directly into a boy’s locker named Kyler. Kyler is a popular jock on campus, but the two quickly become friends and decide to try and put together what really happened that day. Kyler is often privy to extra details because of his social status and is eager to share his findings with Brynn. However, there’s someone out there who does not want this incident investigated further and they realize they are putting themselves and their friends in danger. They also start to suspect that this terrible murder is actually a part of something much bigger and more sinister going on in their town. Will they get to the bottom of what is going on before it’s too late?

Brynn and Kyler are both very invested in solving this crime and do find themselves in some dangerous situations because of that. The ending has a few dramatic moments, but wraps up quickly. There are some interesting side characters that readers will want to know more about, but overall the story moves at a very brisk pace and some details come a little too easy for the characters. Recommended for fans looking for a quick mystery.

A Thousand Heartbeats by Kiera Cass

Genre: Romance

Princess Annika of Kadier knows it is her duty to marry someone she does not care for in order to secure the throne. She is more than willing to make this sacrifice for her people and their long term chance of peace. Meanwhile, Lennox is a Dahrainian and very much believes the throne was stolen from his people. He has done terrible things on the orders of his vicious stepdad in the hopes of proving his loyalty. When Lennox is given the chance to prove his worth as a leader he decides to sneak into Kadier and wreak havoc, but unexpectedly he comes across Annika (whose fiancee immediately flees and leaves her behind). Lennox takes Annika back to his home as a prisoner, but she is a lot feistier than anyone predicted and Lennox cannot help but feel respect for her. As their stories begin to connect they both start to realize they may not have all of the information about their countries’ respective histories. Can they trust each other? Can they trust those around them who may have been feeding them misinformation in order to control them? Can they move past their difficult pasts?

Fans of Kiera Cass will like this title even though it’s a touch predictable and tidy in places. The main characters are engaging and interesting and there are a few surprises in the plot, but many of the revelations won’t seem that astounding to readers. Nevertheless, it’s easy to root for these two as they try to find the truth and both truly want what is best for their people and that does not come without some steep losses for both of them. Anyone looking for a romance similar to Cass’s other books will enjoy this title.

Pride and Premeditation by Tirzah Price

Genre: Historical Mystery

In this fun retelling of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Lizzie is desperate to work for her father’s law firm, but he has kept her to the side working small office jobs because he doesn’t think it’s proper for a young lady to aspire to become a lawyer. Meanwhile, the heir to his estate, a dour Mr. Collins, is working at the firm and frequently takes credit for Lizzie’s work as he seems to have very little work ethic himself. Lizzie’s mom would love to see one of their five daughters marry Mr. Collins so that they will not be turned out of their house when Lizzie’s dad eventually dies. Lizzie has made it clear she has no interest in Mr. Collins and finds him rather repulsive. When Lizzie learns that there has been a murder and a Mr. Bingley has been accused of the crime, she immediately feels this is her shot to prove to her father that she can be a valuable asset to the firm. She goes to the jail to meet Mr. Bingley, but is not there very long before a Mr. Darcy arrives to post bail for his client and good friend. Mr. Darcy is not amused that Lizzie is inserting herself into this case, but Mr. Bingley is desperate for anyone to help him out of this predicament. The man who was murdered was Mr. Bingley’s brother-in-law and it was well known that the two were not getting on very well at the moment and that Mr. Bingley’s sister was planning to leave him. Lizzie decides she needs to prove her ability to solve a case by continuing to investigate and comes across a young man working as a runner named Mr. Wickham who seems very eager to help her. Meanwhile, Mr. Darcy has made it very clear that he doesn’t want her meddling in his case. Who can Lizzie trust to help her get to the truth? What secrets are the Bingley’s hiding? Can Lizzie every prove to her father that she is more valuable than Mr. Collins?

This fun retelling will interest anyone who enjoys historical mysteries. Fans of the original will have fun seeing how each character fits into this version. The mystery itself is very engaging and has some serious twists and turns leading up to its big finale. Mystery fans will not be disappointed by the resolution of the mystery. Lizzie’s character is true to her original nature, but pushes her to be even more forceful in her wish to find the truth for Mr. Bingley. There are several characters who do not play as big of a part as they did in the original, but that doesn’t detract from the interesting plot of the mystery. It was thoroughly entertaining throughout and it will be fun to see more in this series in the future.

Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch

Genre: Romance

Lina is spending the summer in Italy with the father she’s never known after the tragic death of her mom. Howard, her father, seems eager to please and although he wants to explain why he hasn’t been a part of her life Lina puts him off because she’s not ready to hear it just yet. Meanwhile, she receives the diary her mother kept the year she went to art school in Italy and she slowly begins learning what happened to her mother the year before she got pregnant. Lina also meets a local boy named Ren who agrees to show her around Florence and introduce her to other students of the American high school, a place Lina still isn’t sure she wants to go in the fall. As Ren and Lina become friends she allows him to read her mother’s journal and the two of them decide to start retracing her mother’s footsteps. Can they get to the bottom of why Lina’s mom left Italy and Lina’s father behind when she clearly loved it there? Will she ever learn why Howard was never a part of her life? Will Lina and Ren become more than friends?

This romance story has a beautiful setting in Italy and Lina does visit everything from famous landmarks to local restaurants, which makes for a fun journey. Lina’s grief for her mother is very clearly illustrated with her words and actions, but it is still frustrating to watch her struggle to find the truth when it could have been so much easier if she had trusted those around her. At times, both Lina and Ren act in ways that don’t seem to fit with their character up to that point, but as everyone knows, sometimes you can’t help how you feel. Recommended for audiences that enjoy romances.

Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon

Genre: Romance

Yvette’s world shatters when her parents announce they are getting divorced and her belief is true love is put to the test. She does not react well to the news that her mother, her sister, and her must move out of their family home and into a smaller apartment and decides it is time to downsize her belongings as well. She takes all of her favorite romance books to donate to a free library. When she is there a mysterious woman convinces her to take a book in return for her donation and she grabs the book titled Instructions for Dancing. After receiving this book, Yvette notices that every time she sees a couple kiss she see flashes of their entire relationship from beginning to end, and they always end. This only cements her belief that love never lasts and she decides if she gets rid of the book she might not see these premonitions anymore. She notices that there is an address inside for a local dance studio and goes to return the book, but the instructor sees something in her and convinces her to practice for a big ballroom dancing competition. Yvette does not know why, but she feels drawn to the dance floor and her magnaminous partner, X. Can she really get involved with someone when she is so down on romance at the moment? Will she ever be able to reconcile with her father after he tore their family apart?

Fans of Nicola Yoon will not be disappointed with this story about two very thought out characters and their struggle to find their way in a complicated world. There are also many interesting side characters that prove nothing is ever as cut and dried as it first appears. Not all young adult readers enjoy reading romances, but this one truly has something for everyone if they are willing to give it a chance. The characters are all going through very relatable issues and most everyone can find something they can identify with. Highly recommended.

Love is a Revolution by Renee Watson

Genre: Romane/Realistic Fiction

Nala Robertson is a very typical teenager who enjoys relaxing and having fun, so when she has go to an open mic night for an activist group for her cousin’s birthday she isn’t too excited. However, the emcee for the event, Tye, immediately catches Nala’s eye and she finds a way to talk to him after the show. He is funny, charismatic, and passionate, which Nala loves, but he is also a very serious activist for causes he cares about. Nala is worried he won’t like her since she doesn’t have any strong causes that she supports, so she lies and tells him she volunteers at her grandmother’s assisted living home, amongst other things. She knows she will be in trouble if Tye or anyone else finds out about her lies, but she’s so afraid he won’t like her if he knew the real Nala. Can she ever face the truth of who she is and will that be enough for Tye? Will she begin to change like those around her to find things she cares about and is willing to dedicate all her time and energy to?

This engaging story tackles serious issues such as finding ways to love yourself and mother/daughter issues, but does so in a way that feels light and fun. Many readers will be able to identify with Nala and her fear of not being accepted, sometimes even by herself, for who she truly is. At the same time, she must realize that people are constantly changing and growing and it’s absolutely possible to change yourself at any stage of life. Several of the supporting characters are fun, such as Nala’s grandmother and all of her friends at the assisted living home. There are many examples of love in this story and it’s through all these different relationships that Nala begins to understand how love is present in her life and how she contributes love to those around her. Recommended for fans of romances, but also for people who enjoy real stories about unique people.

All This Time by Mikki Daughtry and Rachael Lippincott

Genre: Romance

From the same authors as Five Feet Apart, this romance story begins with Kyle learning that his longtime girlfriend is actually not going to go to the same college as he is on their graduation night. There is a terrible storm and as they fight about their future together they get into a terrible accident where Kyle is seriously injured and Kimberly dies. He struggles for months to heal and get up every morning knowing that Kimberly is gone. He shuts out friends, puts college on hold, and generally fails to progress in any way. Then, he meets Marley and everything starts to change. Marley has also lost someone close to her and the two of them begin to work through their grief together, but as they begin to find happiness they feel overwhelming guilt that they are here and those they lost are not. Both of them harbor guilt about how their loved one died as well. Kyle can’t help shake the feeling that something will come along to disrupt his happiness because he doesn’t think he deserves it, and something definitely does but it’s something you won’t see coming. Can he fight for what he had with Marley or is it just not the right time?

This story definitely keeps the reader guessing as the plot takes some serious twists. Kyle’s relationship with Kimberly has kept him from truly living his best life and he’s starting to realize that, but also feels terrible about the fact that Kimberly is not there anymore. Marley, meanwhile, has faced some terrible things as well and because of that struggles to truly open up and believe in happy endings and forgiveness. Recommended for fans who enjoy unique romance stories such as The Fault in Our Stars and Eleanor and Park.

The Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys

Genre: Historical Fiction and 495 pages

Set in 1957 Madrid, Ana is working at the newly opened American hotel and Daniel has traveled to Madrid with his parents from Texas. Daniel’s mother is Spanish and always wanted to travel there with him, but under Francisco Franco’s rule Americans were not welcome for many years and tourism has only recently opened up. Ana’s family is struggling to pay bills and she is very grateful for the job she has at the hotel, but her and Daniel immediately feel a connection and begin spending time together despite everyone telling them it can only end badly. Daniel aspires to be a photojournalist and takes his fancy camera everywhere, even though the Italian soldiers have tried to intimidate him into not taking any photos of the “real Madrid.” Daniel feels fairly confident that nothing bad will happen to him since he is an American with a powerful father, but Ana knows that the Italian police can make her and her family’s life very hard so she tries to keep her head down and do what is expected of her. Meanwhile, Ana’s cousin and brother have noticed some unusual occurrences at their places of work. Puri, Ana’s cousin, works at an orphanage and begins to suspect that not all of the babies brought to her are actually orphans. Rafa, Ana’s brother, works as a grave digger and he begins to notice that many of the infant coffins that arrive from the local hospital are actually empty. What is happening to the babies in Italy and why is their reported infant mortality rate so high? Is it something Daniel could investigate on his road to hopefully becoming a photojournalist or is it too dangerous? Is there any way for Daniel and Ana to be together or do they just come from too many different backgrounds to make it work?

Once again, Ruta Sepetys has highlighted a time and a place in history that many people do not know much about and put a human face on it. Many aspects of this time period in Madrid are discussed and readers will want to know more about all of the characters. Even some of the less likable characters have understandable reasons for why they act the way they do. The environment has bred fear and want among the Italians and they aren’t sure if it will ever get any better since it’s already pretty far after the war. The characters are all so engaging that readers will find they simply do not want to stop reading about them, but the setting is also unique and thought provoking on its own. Recommended for fans of historical fiction.

Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau

Genre: Romance and # of Pages: 313

Mia was accepted into an elite ballet program in Paris for the summer and she very much wants to make the most of this opportunity, but along the way she really wants to immerse herself in the culture as well. Unfortunately, shortly after she arrives she learns that her rival back home was also accepted to the program and she must face her ridicule all summer. She also meets a very cute boy on the steps of her dorm and he helps her out of a tough situation early on which endears him to her all the more. Mia’s also curious about a family legend in which it is believed her ancestor was a famous ballerina. Some believe the legend wholeheartedly while others claim it is a myth. Her new Parisian friend offers to help her find out if the story is true. As they spend more time together she begins to wish she never had to go back home, but then her romance is exposed and she is shamed for having a summer romance when her focus should be entirely on ballet. She is heartbroken and embarrassed, but she can’t help but wonder how her romance was exposed. Was it her ballet rival? Was it someone else who wanted her spot in the final showcase? Is it possible to work hard and still have a little fun this summer?

This fun romance offers quite a setting with both the ballet school and Paris and readers will want to know as much as possible about Mia’s amazing opportunity, both inside and outside the classroom. Mia is thrilled to be in Paris and truly wants to enjoy the food, sights, museums, and friendships along the way. The ballet school is depicted as being difficult, but she seems to manage the stress with ease as she balances work and fun. She also easily makes friends with the other ballerinas and there isn’t a huge sense of competition among them. Still, the story is fun and you can’t help but pull for her to get everything she wants. This story has a little bit of everything to impress fans of romance novels.

The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Barnes

Genre: Mystery

Number of Pages: 258

In this sequel to the Inheritance Games, Avery is still navigating her new life as an heiress. When rumors begin spreading that Tobias Hawthorne’s son, Toby, is still alive Avery and her cousins begin trying to find out where he is and why he ran away from the family in the first place. Meanwhile, there are definitely people trying to steal Avery’s money and they don’t care who they have to hurt to get it. For example, creepy things have been left in her room despite her having 24/hr security. She’s also noticed that the longtime Hawthorne employees definitely do not feel like she belongs at the manor and go out of their way to treat her as such. Plus, Avery’s long lost father has returned and is threatening to try and get custody of her, and by extension, her billions. Who can Avery really trust? Is Toby really alive and if so why doesn’t he want his inheritance? What are Grayson and Jameson’s intentions toward her?

This book was really a continuation of the first and was just as much fun with several twists and turns along the way. Avery and the Hawthorne’s definitely keep things interesting as they try to find new clues left behind by Tobias, the patriarch. No one living seems to know all of the Hawthorne secrets and even people who think they know everything get surprised at one point or another in this book. Despite the many changes that Avery has experienced in a short amount of time, she is always so curious to find out what happens that she doesn’t seem to worry too much about her own personal safety. She is definitely unsure of how to handle the potential affections of the Hawthorne Brothers. Fans will want to see more from this fun, fast paced mystery story and its lively characters.

The Betrayed by Kiera Cass

Genre: Romance

Number of Pages: 292

In this sequel to The Betrothed, Hollis has been forced to flee her home country after her husband and parents were brutally murdered. All she has left is her new mother-in-law and sister-in-law. They have chosen to return to their homeland, but they are unsure if they will be welcome as the Isoltan King has made it clear he does not trust their family. Her husband’s cousin, Etan, has come to help them on the long journey but he has made it very clear that he does not care for Hollis and feels she has put his family in unnecessary danger. Hollis finds that she must prove herself to everyone she meets in this new kingdom because so few people trust Coroans. As she tries time and again to prove her loyalty to the family, Etan begins to come around and eventually the two grow close. They can’t help but feel guilty about their new infatuation after the recent demise of Hollis’s husband, who was Etan’s cousin. When they are summoned for a wedding of the Prince of Isolte, the King is very surprised to hear that Hollis’s husband and his family were brutally murdered. Hollis finds this interesting because she had assumed he was the one who ordered the attack. If the King of Isolte did not order her husband’s death then who did? Is she still in danger from this person? Why would someone want to murder her entire family on her wedding day? Is there any way for her and Etan to be together without feeling terrible guilt?

This book has a lot more action and drama than the first one did. The Betrothed ended in a really exciting way, but The Betrayed has more action and plot twists throughout the entire story. Hollis is a much stronger character than she first appears, but that could be because she finds along the way that there are things she truly cares about. In the beginning she simply went along with whatever people asked her to do, but by the end she is a force and will not be silenced. The ending has a few convenient developments that readers might find to be too easy, but nonetheless they will be satisfied with the ending of the story. The characters grow and develop throughout this series and readers will care what happens to them in the end.

The Secret Recipe for Moving On by Karen Bischer

Genre: Romance

Number of pages: 280

Ellie Agresti was blindsided when her boyfriend of 8 months dumped her on the first day of senior year. Ellie had been a semester transfer the year before and therefore hadn’t made many friends of her own once she met Hunter and she joined his group of friends. Now, she is facing a horrible reality of starting school alone yet again. To make matters worse, she is in Home Ec with Hunter and his new girlfriend, Brynn, and they seem to make it a mission to rub their relationship in her face. She ends up with a bizarre group of students for her home ec group, but as time goes on Ellie begins to realize they all have their strengths. Slowly, her home ec group starts to work together and fight to be the champion group by the end of the semester. One member of the group, Luke, started out really annoying Ellie but she grows to find him funny, smart, and helpful. The only problem is that Luke has been dating a girl for awhile and she is determined to never do to anyone else what happened to her. Can her and Luke find a way to be together where it doesn’t feel like she broke them up? Can her home ec group master the skills required for life and beating the other home ec groups in her class? Can Ellie find a way to be happy in this new school on her own, without the help of a boyfriend to tell her what to do or who to hang out with?

This book is fun and funny as Ellie struggles with very relatable high school issues such as dating and group projects. She definitely has a lot to juggle and often mistakes are made, which many readers will be able to identify with. She is quick to apologize if she is wrong and willing to take responsibility for her actions, even when provoked. The romance between Luke and Ellie is slow building and exciting as they truly get to know each other and find ways to support each other in their own ways. Fans of romances by authors such as Jenny Han and Sarah Dessen will enjoy this title.
